Médias / Media
Journaux par pays / Newspapers by countries
Saudi Press Agency (Français – English – Arabe/Arabic)
Informations essentielles / Basic information
– CIA Factbook: Saudi Arabia
– Hillary Clinton (August 17, 2014): Message to John Podesta / WebArchive – Archive.Today
Hillary Clinton: “[T]he governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia […] are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region.”
Articles / Point de Bascule
– Point de Bascule (21 novembre 2011) : Philippe Couillard : conseiller de l’Arabie saoudite et membre du comité de surveillance du SCRS
– Point de Bascule (23 novembre 2011) : Canada – Arabie saoudite : Deux exemples de situations qui rendent inappropriée la participation du Dr. Philippe Couillard à la surveillance du SCRS
– Point de Bascule (22 août 2014) : Un ministre allemand et un ancien dirigeant du MI6 britannique accusent des commanditaires qataris et saoudiens d’avoir financé l’État islamique en Irak et en Syrie
– Point de Bascule (1 avril 2015) : L’Arabie saoudite demande au gouvernement du Québec de se mêler de ses affaires au sujet de Raïf Badawi
– Point de Bascule (18 juin 2015) : Gilles Duceppe ne remet pas en question l’oléoduc qui amène du pétrole saoudien (entre autres) à Montréal via Portland. Pourrait-il changer d’idée sur un oléoduc qui acheminerait du pétrole canadien à Montréal?
– Point de Bascule (8 mai 2017) : L’Arabie saoudite salue l’adoption de la motion M-103 contre l’islamophobie qu’elle présente comme un avant-projet de loi (‘draft bill’)
Références / References
– BBC (March 15, 2002): Saudi religious police stopped girls from leaving a blazing school because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress
– Robert Fife (The Ottawa Citizen –
Saudi religious funding fosters terror, study says (Martin Rudner, the founding director of Carleton University’s Canadian Centre of Intelligence and Security Studies, said Saudi money is being used to extend its brand of militant Islam to Canada and fostering the spread of terrorism.)
– Marina Jimenez and Omar El Akkad (The Globe and Mail – November 8, 2005): In 2002, the Saudi Ministry of Culture and Information announced that King Fahd gave $5-million (U.S.) and an annual grant of $1.5-million to the Islamic Centre in Toronto. (The Islamic Centre of Canada is housed at ISNA.) (TheGlobeandMai.com – Web.archive.org)
– The Guardian (February 15, 2008): Saudi Arabia’s rulers threatened to make it easier for terrorists to attack London / Archive.Today – Archives PdeB (Prince Bandar, the head of the Saudi national security council, was alleged in court to be the man behind the threats.)
– Syed Rashid Husain (Arab News – April 4, 2008): Saudi “took a swipe at the [Canadian] oilsands” / WebArchive – Archive.Today
In the letter, [Canadian ambassador] Wilson noted that Canada had surpassed Saudi Arabia as the largest supplier of crude oil to the United States, at 2.3 million barrels per day.
[…] Some analysts, however, are claiming that the [U.S.] clause was added after some political maneuvering by Saudi Arabia as it is “increasingly threatened” by Canada’s growing market share of oil production.Strategic resource analyst Paul Michael Wihbey recalling the November OPEC summit, said it was then that for the first time Saudi Oil Minister Ali Al-Naimi “took a swipe at the oilsands.” He claimed the minister then said “Canada is one of the world’s costliest oil producers and requires high prices to remain viable.” Al-Naimi had suggested the Saudi product was a better value for investors, claiming, it costs $40 to $60 a barrel to produce the oilsands crude from the massive reserves.
Wihbey underlines Saudi Arabia and Canada were direct competitors for the biggest customer: the US. David Kirsch, head of Oil Markets PFC Energy, says that “In the US mid-continent, the penetration of oilsands crude is deep, they are increasingly competing with the long haul crude from the Middle East. Until recently we saw a Saudi domination, but now it is becoming a Canadian affair.” And that’s why the Saudis are starting to play hardball, claimed Wihbey.
– The Guardian (August 19, 2010): Saudi Arabian judge asks hospitals to paralyse man
– Colin Freeze (The Globe and Mail – September 20, 2010): CSIS chief meets with Saudi King to discuss terrorism / WebArchive – Archive.Today)
– Declan Walsh (The Guardian – December 5, 2010): Saudi Arabia is the world’s largest source of funds for Islamist militant groups says a secret December 2009 paper signed by the US secretary of state Hilary Clinton / Web archive / Archive Today
– www.al-jazirah.com (16 mai 2011) : Le journal officiel saoudien Al-Jazirah rapporte l’endossement du roi d’Arabie saoudite par Philippe Couillard
– Arab News (June 1, 2011): The Saudi Arabian Cultural Attaché in Canada: “McGill University has the highest concentration of doctors trained in Canada”
– Arab News (June 1, 2011): Dr. Thamer Nouh is very involved at McGill. He was part of the General Surgery Training Program Committee for the last six years, which oversees the training of the 50 residents in the program. He was also part of the interviewing committee for seven years, which is responsible for the selection of new Canadian and international residents. In addition, he was involved in teaching medical students, residents and fellows and has been awarded multiple awards for his excellence in teaching. Last but not least, the Saudi Cultural Bureau has appointed him as the Saudi Physicians’ Representative to McGill University for the last two years.
– Nina Shea and Paul Marshall (Hudson Institute – September 16, 2011): Ten Years On: Saudi Arabia’s Textbooks Still Promote Religious Violence
– Charles Lewis (National Post – September 28, 2011): Saudis export anti-Christian and anti-Jewish textbooks across the world: report (nationalpost.com – Web.archive.org)
– Charles Lewis (National Post – traduction par PdeB – September 28, 2011): Un rapport confirme que l’Arabie saoudite continue d’exporter à travers le monde ses manuels scolaires hostiles aux non-musulmans
– Kathryn Blaze Carlson (National Post – November 19, 2011): Watching the spywatchers (Philippe Couillard refuse de commenter sur l’application de la charia en Arabie saoudite)
– Arab News (April 18, 2013): Canadian Ambassador Thomas MacDonald said that between 4,000 and 5,000 Saudi doctors had completed part of their studies in Canada. He said Canada now hosts 16,000 Saudi students, the fourth-highest number of international students in the country. “Our network of Saudi alumni is growing rapidly every year.”
– Ambrose Evans-Pritchard (The Telegraph – August 27, 2013): Prince Bandar, head of Saudi intelligence, allegedly confronted the Kremlin with a mix of inducements and threats in a bid to break the deadlock over Syria. Bandar “also hinted at Chechen terrorist attacks on Russia’s Winter Olympic” (The Telegraph – Archives PdeB)
– Marie-Cécile Royen (Le Vif/L’Express – 13 décembre 2013) : Comment l’Arabie saoudite a imposé son islam rigoriste à la Belgique / WebArchive – Archive.Today
En 1969, le roi Baudouin crut bien faire en confiant à l’Arabie saoudite, par bail emphytéotique de nonante-neuf ans, les clés du pavillon oriental du parc du Cinquantenaire, à Bruxelles. Celle-ci y installa à grands frais le Centre islamique et culturel de Belgique (CICB), qui devint aussi le siège européen de la Ligue islamique mondiale, une ONG panislamique et prosélyte contrôlée par les Saoudiens. […] Tout au long des années 1980, l’influence du CICB se révéla contre-productive pour l’intégration des immigrés musulmans, au point qu’en 1990, les autorités belges lui retirèrent son statut d’interlocuteur officiel, ainsi que son rôle dans la sélection des professeurs de religion islamique.
Depuis 1979 [jusqu’à 2006, date de publication du livre], a calculé l’historien britannique Charles Allen [dans son livre God’s terrorists], les autorités saoudiennes ont consacré plus de 70 milliards de dollars à la diffusion de leurs idées.
– Georges Malbrunot (Le Figaro – 13 janvier 2014) : Syrie : une guerre par procuration entre l’Iran et l’Arabie saoudite
– Arab News (Ottawa – January 26, 2014): A graduation ceremony organized by the Saudi Embassy – “1,043 scholarship students under the fourth graduating class of the King Abdullah Foreign Scholarship Program in Ottawa, Canada.”
– Libération (15 avril 2014) : Le prince Bandar, chef des renseignements saoudiens, démissionne
– Huffington Post (21 avril 2014) : Le ministre saoudien de la Santé al-Rabiah avec lequel a collaboré Philippe Couillard est congédié
– Grant LaFleche (The Welland Tribune – April 22, 2014): Welland Tribune reporter explains why he opposes the opening of a campus by Niagara College in Saudi Arabia
– Arab News (June 18, 2014): Tom MacDonald, Canadian Senior Diplomat said that “Canada is among the top destinations for Saudi students” and that “the growing number of Saudi students is building bridges between our two nations that will last for generations. Thanks to the student connection and the wonderful King Abdullah Scholarship Program, every year I find that I have thousands more ambassadors for Canada in Saudi Arabia,” he remarked joyfully.
– Lawrence Wright (The New Yorker – September 9, 2014): The Twenty-eight Pages
– Emirates News Agency (WAM – November 15, 2014): Foreign Minister John Baird visited Jeddah city to acquaint himself with the Saudi experience in terms of rehabilitation and incorporation of extremists into society through teaching them true values of Islam. “It is worth studying experience.”
– AFP (The Guardian – December 15, 2014): Prince Alwaleed bin Talal to launch Arabic new channel alarab and vows to ‘break the mould’ set by al-Jazeera and newcomer Sky News Arabia
– Lise Ravary (Journal de Montréal – 12 janvier 2015) : Pourquoi il faut pouvoir exporter le pétrole canadien / Archive.Today
– JihadWatch (22 janvier 2015) : Le roi Abdallah d’Arabie saoudite est mort
– Josh Dehaas (CTVNews.ca – January 22, 2015): There are more than 15,000 Saudi students in Canada / Web archive / Archive.Today
– Ian Black (The Guardian – February 2, 2015): Saudi prince’s Al-Arab news channel goes off air hours after launching
– Point de Bascule (3 mars 2015) : Le prédicateur Zakir Naik interdit au Canada pour son appui au terrorisme est honoré par le nouveau roi d’Arabie saoudite pour sa contribution à l’islam
– Tony Schinella (Patch.com – March 14, 2015): Rubens: In 2016, Tell Saudi Arabia To Stop Funding Terror
– Middle East Monitor (March 30, 2015) : Journalist Jamal Khashogji: King Salman will strike a deal with the Muslim Brotherhood, if he deemed it useful with stemming the Iranian expansion
– Justin Ling and Ben Makuch (Vice News – June 23, 2015): Cables Released by WikiLeaks Show Saudi Money Flowed to Newspapers in Canada / Web archive / Archive.Today
– Justin Ling and Ben Makuch (Vice News – June 23, 2015): A Saudi government memo requests a 500,000 Riyal (approx. $133,000 USD) contribution to the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) / Web archive / Archive.Today
– Peter Henn (Sunday Express – 21 septembre 2015) : Des alliés de la chancelière Angela Merkel condamne les autorités saoudiennes pour avoir offert de construire 200 mosquées en Allemagne pour [radicaliser] les migrants tout en refusant d’en laisser entrer un seul dans leur propre pays
– Tulsi Gabbard (Wolf Blitzer CNN – 8 January, 2016): What is the United States doing to hold Saudi Arabia accountable for being the number one promoter of radical Islamic extremism / Archive Today
Interviewed on CNN (1/8/16)by Wolf Blitzer, congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard responded to Blitzer’s question, “It appears to me the Saudis have lost a lot of confidence in the U.S. right now. Have you heard that?” by saying, “I’ve read reports of that and different analyses of it, but I think we should ask the reverse question: What is the United States doing to hold Saudi Arabia accountable for being the number one promoter of radical Islamic extremism, not only in their own country but around the world, spending hundreds of billions of dollars in funding madrasas in schools, and books and media outreach to try to influence people towards this ideology that’s fueling ISIS, fueling al-Qaeda, what to speak of the direct and indirect support that Saudi Arabia and some of these Gulf countries give to the enemy that we’re supposed to be fighting and defeating?”
– Le Point (22 janvier 2016) : Après l’ayatollah chiite Al-Sistani d’Irak, l’Arabie saoudite sunnite interdit le jeu d’échecs
– PTI (January 30, 2016): Tsunami of money’ from Saudi Arabia funding 24,000 madrassas in Pakistan / WebArchive – Archive.Today
– PTI (30 janvier 2016) : Un sénateur démocrate américain dénonce la complaisance de son gouvernement face “tsunami d’argent” de l’Arabie saoudite qui sert à radicaliser les musulmans à travers le monde
– Claudia Cattaneo (Financial Post / National Post – February 9, 2016): As oilsands punished, tanker loads of cheap Saudi oil sail into Canadian ports daily / WebArchive – Archive.Today
– Claudia Cattaneo (Financial Post / National Post – 9 février 2016) : Des volumes considérables de pétrole saoudien sont importés au Canada pendant que le Québec et d’autres multiplient les obstacles à l’acheminement du pétrole de l’ouest canadien
– StrategyPage (April 14, 2016) : Counter-Terrorism : Belgium Admits It Was Screwed By the Saudis / WebArchive – Archive.Today
One of the casualties of the recent ISIL (Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant) attacks in France and Belgium was the reputation of Saudi Arabia as an ally in the fight against ISIL. The media were all over the state of Islam in Belgium and many little-publicized facts were made very public. Chief among them was the role of Saudi Arabia played in building (at Saudi expense) mosques and religious schools in Belgium and then staffing them. These facilities were controlled by very-conservative (and anti-Western) clerics and religious teachers who were often trained in Saudi Arabia.
– Sputnik (16 avril 2016) : L’Arabie saoudite menace Washington de représailles si certains documents concernant les attentats du 11 septembre 2001 sont déclassifiés
– Journal de Montréal (18 avril 2016) : L’Arabie saoudite, un facteur de stabilité ou un financier du terrorisme ? Fatima Houda-Pepin contredit le ministre Stéphane Dion
– GMBDW (July 11, 2016): Saudi King Welcomes Youssef Qaradawi and Rachid Ghannouchi in Mecca / Saudi Designation of Muslim Brotherhood Appears Dead in the Water
– GMBDW (11 juillet 2016) : Youssef Qaradawi et Rachid Ghannouchi en visite privée en Arabie saoudite malgré que les Frères Musulmans aient officiellement un statut d’entité terroriste dans le pays
– Robert Spencer (PJ Media – November 1, 2016): Three times Hillary Clinton apparently took bribes from terror funders
– Saudi Press Agency (March 28, 2017): Muslim World League praises approval of a Canadian draft bill [Motion M-103] to fight Islamophobia / Archive.Today
– Saudi Press Agency / Agence de presse saoudienne (4 avril 2017) : L’ambassadeur saoudien à Ottawa rencontre le ministre canadien de l’Immigration Ahmed Hussein / Archive.Today
– Saudi Press Agency (May 18, 2017): Saudi ambassador to Canada meets University of Ottawa’s President, Jacques Frémont / WebArchive – Archive.Today
– Fox News (June 25, 2017): Saudi student now US fugitive after skipping on bail posted by Saudi government / WebArchive – Archive.Today