Directeurs du SCRS / CSIS Directors
Ted Finn – 16 juillet 1984 – septembre 1987 / July 16, 1984 – September 1987
Reid Morden – septembre 1987 – octobre 1991 / September 1987 – October 1991
Raymond Protti – octobre 1991 – 31 mai 1994 / October 1991 – May 31, 1994
Ward Elcock – 31 mai 1994 – 22 mai 2004 / May 31, 1994 – May 22, 2004
Dale Neufeld – 22 mai 2004 – 29 novembre 2004 / May 22, 2004 – November 2004
Jim Judd – 29 novembre 2004 – 27 juin 2009 / November 29, 2004 – June 27, 2009
Richard Fadden – 27 juin 2009 – 13 mai 2013 / June 27, 2009 – May 13, 2013
Michel Coulombe – 25 octobre 2013 – actuel / October 25, 2013 – current
Informations essentielles / Basic information
– Government of Canada: CSIS Act
– Gouvernement du Canada : Loi sur le SCRS
Rapports et positions officielles / Reports and official positions
– CSIS (April 16, 2004): Sons of the Father: The Next Generation of Islamic Extremists in Canada, IB 2004-5/07 “Secret – Canadian Eyes Only” (The report is referred to by Stewart Bell in his book Cold Terror: How Canada Nurtures and Exports Terrorism Around the World, p. 275)
– CSIS (October 13, 2004): Canadian Converts to Radical Islam / Intelligence Brief, IB 2004-5/29 “Secret” (The report is referred to by Stewart Bell in his book Cold Terror: How Canada Nurtures and Exports Terrorism Around the World, p. 275)
– CSIS (December 10, 2004): Is Radical Islam a Problem in Canadian Prisons / Intelligence Brief, IB 2004-5/39 “Secret” (The report is referred to by Stewart Bell in his book Cold Terror: How Canada Nurtures and Exports Terrorism Around the World, p. 275)
– CSIS (July 29, 2005): Paths to Radicalization of Home-Grown Islamic Extremists in Canada, “Secret” (The report is referred to by Stewart Bell in his book Cold Terror: How Canada Nurtures and Exports Terrorism Around the World, p. 275)
– (October 13, 2005): The RCMP, CSIS, other Canadian security agencies and Muslim Presence involved in an activity promoting that Islam and security can coexist / (CSIS Director Jim Judd spoke at the event.)
– Integrated Threat Assessment Centre / ITAC (2010 ?): Report about the risk of Islamist groups seeking to establish ‘parallel society’ in Canada (The existence of this report was revealed by the National Post. ITAC , which monitors threats to Canada’s national security, is composed of representatives of CSIS, the RCMP, Foreign Affairs, National Defence and other agencies.)
– Stewart Bell (National Post – November 15, 2010): Report by CSIS and other Canadian security agencies warns about Islamist project to build ‘parallel society’ within Canada
– IPT News (November 15, 2010): ‘Isolated,’ ‘Parallel’ Canadian Islamist Communities Could Breed Violence
– Radio-Canada (7 janvier 2011) : Le SCRS est préoccupé par l’ingérence étrangère
– CSIS (February 14, 2012): Venues of Sunni Islamist Radicalization in Canada
– Stewart Bell (National Post – 3 janvier 2013) : Un rapport du SCRS examine les différents endroits utilisés par les extrémistes sunnites pour promouvoir leur radicalisme
– Amira Elghawaby (CAIR-CAN – January 8, 2013): CAIR-CAN reacts to CSIS’ report warning about Islamist radicalization
– Richard Fadden (Hansard – April 23, 2012): “The greatest threat to Canada’s national security remains terrorism and primarily the terrorist threat from Sunni Islamist extremism” (Richard Fadden was CSIS director when he drew this conclusion in front of a Senate committee.)
– Tom Parry (CBC News – February 11, 2013): The head of CSIS warns that Canadians involved in ‘every single case’ of al-Qaeda-affiliated groups and that these groups have mentioned Canada as a possible target (Web Archive –
– Stewart Bell (National Post – March 21, 2013): Hezbollah deliberately seeks Canadians because of internationally accepted passports: senior CSIS official
– Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence (Hansard – February 3, 2014): Highlights of presentations by three top level civil servants involved in the protection of Canada’s security (CSIS Director Michel Coulombe acknowledged that his organization dropped the word ‘jihad’ and stopped referring to an “Islamist threat.” CSIS made more sympathetic gestures toward Islamists.)
– Michel Coulombe (The Globe and Mail – August 23, 2014): Canadian in terrorist armies threaten us all (CSIS Director on Canadian nationals joining jihad abroad) (Archive.Today– PdeB)
– Michael Peirce (Hansard – October 27, 2014): “When we [CSIS] investigate, we investigate individuals and their activities … For instance, we [CSIS] don’t investigate mosques.” (Michael Pierce is CSIS Assistant Director.)
– Michael Peirce (Débats du Parlement canadien – 27 octobre 2014) : « Lorsque nous [au SCRS] faisons enquête, nous faisons enquête sur des individus et leurs activités… . Par exemple, nous [au SCRS] ne faisons pas d’enquête sur des mosquées. » (Michael Pierce est le directeur adjoint au renseignement du SCRS.)
Articles / Point de Bascule
– Point de Bascule (29 juin 2010) : Des élites canadiennes et le «chant des sirènes étrangères» (Un examen des relations de la députée du Bloc Québécois Maria Mourani avec des diplomates de pays membre de l’Organisation de la conférence islamique suite à une déclaration du directeur du SCRS sur l’influence étrangère au Canada.)
– Point de Bascule (21 novembre 2011) : Philippe Couillard : conseiller de l’Arabie saoudite et membre du comité de surveillance du SCRS
– Point de Bascule (23 novembre 2011) : Canada – Arabie saoudite : Deux exemples de situations qui rendent inappropriée la participation du Dr. Philippe Couillard à la surveillance du SCRS
– Point de Bascule (September 5, 2014): June 8, 2012 – Muslim Brotherhood delegation led by Hussein Hamdani met with Minister of Public Safety Vic Toews / Details provided by lawyer of Hamas’s fund collector (Hussein Hamdani’s main request to the Minister was that Canadian security agencies stop using Islamic concepts to describe the current Islamist threat. CSIS Director Coulombe confirmed that his organization follows the rule.)
– Point de Bascule (September 15, 2014): May 11, 2006 – NCCM founder Sheema Khan addressed CSIS’s personnel, asked for more Muslims to be named judges and security advisors
– Point de Bascule (13 octobre 2014) : L’ancien officier de renseignement du SCRS Michel Juneau-Katsuya déplore que la GRC se soit dissociée d’une brochure islamiste
– Point de Bascule (November 11, 2014): CSIS Assistant Director Michael Peirce declares that CSIS limits its investigations to individual Islamists but does not investigate mosques (nor other Islamic institutions)¸
Références / References
– Zuhair Kashmeri (The Gulf Within – 1991): Amer al-Roubaie, the MCQ mosque and CSIS during the Gulf War (1990-1991)
– Zuhair Kashmeri (The Gulf Within – 1991): Youssef Chebli, the Al-Rashid mosque and CSIS during the Gulf War (1990-1991)
– Faisal Kutty (WRMEA – March 1998): Islamists protest because Wagdy Ghoneim is not allowed in Canada (Faisal Kutty: “The incident has upset and embarrassed Muslims across Canada, who are demanding answers from their elected representatives, from immigration officials and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service.”)
– Kinda Jayoush and Levon Sevunts (The Gazette – July 2, 2003): Salam Elmenyawi incites Muslims not to co-operate with CSIS
– Sharon Boase (The Hamilton Spectator – September 22, 2005): Hussein Hamdani: Mosques and Muslim groups may be radicalizing Muslim youth (Neither the RCMP nor Canadian Security Intelligence Service actively recruits Muslims. CSIS spokeswoman Barbara Campion said focusing on a specific ethno-cultural group in hiring would discriminate against others and could be viewed as racial profiling.)
– CAIR (May 12, 2006): Former CAIR-CAN Chair Speaks to Canadian Security Agency / WebArchive – Archive.Today
– September 2005 – Omar El Akkad (The Globe and Mail – June 9, 2006): Hussein Hamdani travelled to Pakistan with Public Safety Minister Anne McLellan and CSIS head Jim Judd in September 2005
– ISNA (May 18-20, 2007): 33rd Convention – Speakers’ Bios (Since September 11, 2001, speaker Yavar Hameed has represented and advised many members of the Muslim community in interviews convened by CSIS relating to anti-terrorism investigations.)
– Graeme Hamilton (National Post – January 23, 2008): Charkaoui told CSIS about jihad recruiting (
– Graeme Hamilton (National Post – 23 janvier 2008) : Charkaoui a déclaré au SCRS qu’il y a eu du recrutement pour le jihad dans les mosquées de Montréal
– Alexandre Popovic (Centre des médias alternatifs du Québec – 27 juillet 2008) : Comment les services secrets canadiens alimentent l’islamophobie au Québec
Partie 1 / WebArchive – Archive.Today
Partie 2 / WebArchive – Archive.Today
– Colin Freeze (The Globe and Mail – September 20, 2010): CSIS chief meets with Saudi King to discuss terrorism / WebArchive – Archive.Today)
– Kathryn Blaze Carlson (National Post – November 19, 2011): Watching the spywatchers
– Licia Corbella (Calgary Herald – June 30, 2012): Bilal Philips acknowledges that sharia commands the killing of homosexuals and hopes for the day that it will be applied in Canada (Mention of a meeting closed to journalists between CSIS agent Aman Elvi and Islamist leaders in Calgary)
– Stewart Bell (National Post – March 21, 2013): Hezbollah deliberately seeks Canadians because of internationally accepted passports: senior CSIS official
– Université Laval / Bureau de la vie étudiante (13 avril 2013) : Un officier de la GRC vient expliquer à l’AEMUL les rôles de la GRC et du SCRS (L’AEMUL est la section locale de la Muslim Students Association / MSA, l’une des principales courroies de transmission des Frères Musulmans en Amérique du Nord.)
– Association des étudiants musulmans de l’Université Laval (13 avril 2013) : Conférence – La sensibilisation des communautés à la sécurité nationale et les différences entre la GRC et le Service canadien des renseignements sur la sécurité (SCRS)
– SCRS et Cabinet Office (Avril 2014) : Points saillants de la conférence Stabilité politique et sécurité en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Nord / WebArchive – Archive.Today
[p.89] Boko Haram adhère au credo salafiste. [Son fondateur] Youssouf a déclaré : […] Chaque enseignement d’un savant doit s’appuyer sur les écrits et les enseignements d’érudits salafistes. Tous les savants islamiques qui dénigrent Ibn Taymiyya, Saïd Qutb, Hassan al-Banna et Oussama Ben Laden ne sont pas de véritables savants.
– CSIS and Cabinet Office (April 2014): Highlights from the conference Political Stability and Security in West and North Africa / WebArchive – Archive.Today
[pp.80-81] Boko Haram embraces the Salafist creed. [Its founder] Yusuf Yusuf stated in sermons before 2009 the following: […] Every teaching of a scholar must be supported by the writings and teachings of Salafists scholars. All Islamic scholars that undermine Ibn Taymiyya, Sayyid Qutb, Hassan al-Banna and Osama Bin Laden are not authentic Islamic scholars.
– The Ottawa Citizen (October 22, 2014): PICTURES The Ottawa Citizen incorrectly identifies Richard Fadden as CSIS Director / Archive.Today – WebArchive (Richard Fadden left his position as CSIS Director on May 13, 2013 and was replaced by Michel Coulombe.)
– Vincent Larouche (La Presse – 5 septembre 2015) : La section antiterroriste de Sécurité publique Canada complètement dysfonctionnelle dans l’année qui a précédé les attentats de Saint-Jean et Ottawa / WebArchive – Archive.Today