Further reading
Point de Bascule (August 20, 2015): Point de Bascule takes position against banning the criticism of Islam at #Bill59 public hearings at the Quebec National Assembly / August 18, 2015
Point de Bascule (August 6, 2015): #Bill59 Debate – The Quebec Human Rights Commission’s plan to sue websites belonging to the telecom sector under federal jurisdiction
Point de Bascule (December 15, 2014): The Quebec Human Rights Commission wants a modification of laws in order to facilitate complaints, especially against websites that it considers ‘islamophobe’
The Suburban / Montreal (August 19, 2015): EDITORIAL Bill 59: Our continuing problem with freedom / WebArchive – Archive.Today
National Post / Canada (August 15, 2015): EDITORIAL Bill 59 hate speech law “is a danger to democracy and should not pass”
Beryl Wajsman (The Suburban – June 17, 2015): M. Couillard, time to end the suppression of expression / WebArchive – Archive.Today
Don Macpherson (Montreal Gazette – June 13, 2015): The Couillard government’s ‘speech police’ proposal / WebArchive – Archive.Today