ZAKAT- Général / General
Articles / Point de Bascule
– Point de Bascule (25 juillet 2012 ) : Le Hamas rend obligatoire le paiement de la zakat durant le Ramadan
Références / References
– Reliance of the traveller: The eight categories of zakat recipients
– Jesse McLean (Toronto Star – January 20, 2011) : Muslim charity squandered money for poor
– (October 9, 2012): Islamic Relief Canada presents itself as a zakat collector
ZAKAT- Organisations charitables musulmanes finançant le jihad / Muslim Charities Funding Jihad
Articles / Point de Bascule
Références / References
– Abdallah bin Bayyah ( Zakat (Muslim charity) may be spent to “buy weapons” for those who wage jihad “for Allah’s Cause”
– (October 9, 2012): Islamic Relief Canada lists eight categories of zakat beneficiaries (One of these categories is constituted by Muslims involved in jihad / “Those struggling in the path of Allah.” Muslim Brotherhood-endorsed sharia manual specifies that “those struggling in the path of Allah” who may receive Muslim charity are those who are “engaged in Islamic military operations for whom no salary has been allotted in the army roster.”)
– GMBDW (6 janvier 2013) : Un associé du guide spirituel des Frères Musulmans Qaradawi désigné comme financier d’Al-Qaïda par le gouvernement américain