Version originale française sur le site du Monde / WebArchive – Archive.Today
Aside from his tweets evoking his arrest (in French) and his expulsion from Mauritania, Tariq Ramadan also posted a video on his personal website (also available here) on July 16 in which he mentioned that he was arrested and was being detained while awaiting the next flight that would take him out of Mauritania. The two messages written by Ramadan in English (above) and in French (below) are slightly different.
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Source: Le Monde, July 18, 2016
Original title: Invité à Nouakchott pour des conférences, Tariq Ramadan est refoulé par la Mauritanie / Archive.Today
On Saturday July 16, the Swiss Islamic scholar Tariq Ramadan announced that he had been turned back by Mauritania upon his arrival in Nouakchott. Ramadan had been invited to give lectures in the country. A police source confirmed his expulsion to the AFP but did not provide any reasons.
“Mauritania: arrested at the airport. The government prevents me from entering the country without explanations and is expelling me,” wrote Tariq Ramadan on his Twitter account. He pointed out that this is his “8th ban from a so-called Muslim country.”
Ramadan was notified that he could not enter Mauritania at the Nouakchott airport. “It would seem that the decision came straight from the Presidency,” claimed Tariq Ramadan without mentioning any motives.
Sent back to Morocco
Until early Saturday afternoon, no official source in Nouakchott has been available to comment on the issue. A police source simply confirmed to the AFP that Mr. Ramadan “has been expelled” without being able to provide a reason for the decision.
According to local media, Tariq Ramadan arrived in Nouakchott on Friday around 11:00 PM on a Moroccan airline flight. He was sent back to Morocco where he had been coming from. Mr. Ramadan was scheduled to give several lectures from July 16 to July 20 at the invitation of two NGOs called La Marmite du partage and Main dans la Main. These NGOs organize conferences, debates and are involved in charitable work. / WebArchive – Archive.Today
Further reading
Point de Bascule: FILE Tariq Ramadan
Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Watch (February 8, 2016): Tariq Ramadan & Youssef Qaradawi – A Relationship Consummated / WebArchive – Archive.Today (A post dedicated to Tariq Ramadan’s announcement that he was admitted to the International Union of Muslim Scholars, an organization chaired by Youssef Qaradawi, the Muslim Brotherhood spiritual guide.)
Point de Bascule (June 12, 2016): Tariq Ramadan quoted with approval by the Saudi Gazette
Point de Bascule (June 14, 2016): Tariq Ramadan: “What I want to reform is your head, not Islam! Islam does not need reforms.”