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Washington-based CAIR reports that Quebec Press Council reprimanded La Presse newspaper after complaint from its Montreal branch
Original address: http://www.cair-net.org/nl/fall97.htm (Dead link)
Web Archive: http://web.archive.org/web/19990921225307/http://www.cair-net.org/nl/fall97.htm
Archive.today: https://archive.today/Rie11
Author: Council on American-Islamic Relations
Date: Fall 1997
Original title: Chapter News – Montreal, Canada
In response to a complaint from CAIR Montreal, the Quebec Press Council ruled in favor of the Muslim community regarding a book review that appeared in La Presse newspaper.
The article, entitled “The Veil: Beyond All Rationality,” was a review of the book “Veiled Women: Fundamentalisms Unmasked” by Yolande Geadah.
The review was accompanied by a photograph of three girls in head scarves taken two years earlier by La Presse for a different story. The CAIR complaint stated that the use of the photographs was a violation of journalistic ethics and invaded the girls right to privacy. The Press Council reprimanded the newspaper for publishing the photos.