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Report about RIS 2003
Original address: http://www.muslimlink.ca/downloads/03feb.pdf
Source: The Muslim Link / Ottawa, February 2003
Original title: Reviving the Islamic Spirit
January 5th and 6th witnessed a conference titled ‘Reviving The Islamic Spirit’ in Toronto, Ontario. Sponsored by the Saudi based World Assembly of Muslim Youth, and presented by Ihya Productions, the International Committee For The Support of The Final Prophet and various Muslim Students Association‘s, the conference hosted over three thousand Muslims to hear some of the most important and brilliant Muslim scholars in the western world. Among them Imam Hamza Yusuf of the California based Zaytuna Institute, Dr. Jafar Sheikh Idris of the American Open University, Shaykh Mukhtar Maghraoui, Dr. Abdul-Hakim Murad of Cambridge University and Imam Zaid Shakir. Topics included Lesson‘s in Spiritual Fortification, Understanding Tradition in Modern Times and Quenching Spiritual Thirst. However, the overriding theme of the conference revolved around practical methods for Muslim spiritual revival particularly in the western context. The diversity of invited scholars aimed to promote stronger ties within the Muslim community through reviving the Islamic tradition of education, tolerance and introspection. On a whole the conference was a great success. Along with advocating values of tolerance and broadmindedness, the conference practically exhibited the wonders unity can bring.