Point de Bascule n’endosse pas le contenu de ce document. Il est archivé sur ce site uniquement à des fins de référence.
Point de Bascule does not endorse the content of this document. It is archived on this website strictly for reference purposes.
This organigram was originally published in Arabic and captured in 2008. The English descriptions of the Islamic Cultural Foundation’s leaders added by Point de Bascule come from an English language slideshow published by the same organization.
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Original English description: Siheikh [sic] Yehya Basalama, executive manager and Imam of the mosque, during one of his regular speaches [sic] at the mosque.
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http://web.archive.org/web/20071008185123/http://www.mosque.ch/view.asp?pageID=21 / Archive.Today
English translation by Point de Bascule: Sheikh Yahya [Basalamah], director and imam of the mosque gave the Eid sermon in Arabic, English and French in front of a large crowd.
Traduction française de Point de Bascule : Le cheik Yahya [Basalamah] a prononcé le discours de l’Aïd en arabe, en anglais et en français devant une foule nombreuse.
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http://web.archive.org/web/20071010152924/http://www.mosque.ch/view.asp?pageID=22 / Archive.Today
Original English description: Sheikh Yehya [Basalamah], Al-Imam and the excutive [sic] manager at the Islamic Foundation gives a Friday speech at the mosque.
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Original English description: Sheikh Yehya [Basalamah], the Imam of the mosque and the executive manager of the Moasasa, holds the Friday’s speach [sic] in both languages Arabic and English.
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Original English description: The Imam and the executive manager Sheikh Yehya [Basalamah], a man who’s dedicated his life to serving Islam and the Muslims everywhere.