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Mustafa Ceric urged the Muslim Ummah to conquer the world through Halal movement
The first Global Halal Congress was organized in Pakistan in December 2010. Mustafa Ceric was a keynote speaker. The Daily Mail News (Pakistan) reported about the Congress in December 2010. The content of the page has since been removed from its website.
The Daily Mail News article was archived by the Iranian International Quranic News Agency (IQNA).
Article archived by the International Quran News Agency (IQNA): http://ca.iqna.ir/en/news_detail.php?ProdID=710733 (dead link)
IQNA’s article on Web Archive: http://web.archive.org/web/20130223115514/http://ca.iqna.ir/en/news_detail.php?ProdID=710733
Original title: Halal Movement Can Lead Muslims to Rule World Economy
— The Grand Mufti of Bosnia Herzegovina, Dr Mustafa Ceric urged the Muslim Ummah to conquer the world through Halal movement as Halal means pure and hygiene and non-Muslim world has no hesitation to accept it.
Addressing a reception in Pakistan hosted by Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI) held in his honour and other delegates of Global Halal Congress, Dr Ceric said that Halal movement has the strength to lead Muslims to rule the global economy as the food and other services are the basic need of every human being.
Elaborating his point of view regarding potential of global Halal market, the grand mufti said that since food is the basic need of every human being the Muslim Ummah should focus on developing strong base of food production which he said would left other technologies used by the West as a source of economic prosperity.
Commenting on the state of Muslim Ummah, the Grand Mufti remarked that out of the total refugees in the world over 70 per cent are Muslims rendered shelter less due to disturbances sparked in their homelands yet the irony is that the Muslims are labeled as the terrorists. Dr Ceric further said that Muslims of the world love each other which is the major cause of unity and strength among themselves.
He said that Pakistan could become a Halal hub in the region and has the potential to earn billions of dollars through exports of Halal products like Malaysia. He pointed that Iran and Turkey are also emerging on world Halal economy.
Source: Daily Mail News