Variantes du nom et autres noms / Name variations and other names
London Muslim Mosque
Informations essentielles / Basic information
– Point de Bascule : London Moslem Mosque Leadership
– LMM (August 29, 2013): The Weekend London Islamic School is affiliated with the London Moslem Mosque
Articles / Point de Bascule
– Point de Bascule (10 janvier 2012) : Des organisations islamistes subventionnées ont transféré des centaines de milliers de dollars vers le collecteur de fonds du Hamas au Canada
– Point de Bascule (April 5, 2013) : Algeria terrorist attack – Islamic organizations linked with London mosques’ spokespersons Wael Haddara and Munir el-Kassem lost their charity status because of their links with terrorism
– Point de Bascule (6 avril 2013) : Attaque terroriste en Algérie – Le statut charitable de trois organisations islamiques associées aux porte-parole des mosquées de London Wael Haddara et Munir el-Kassem a été révoqué parce qu’elles finançaient le terrorisme
– Point de Bascule (September 11, 2013): Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird’s dealings with two Canadian leaders of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood
Références / References
– London Weekend Islamic School (Unspecified date): VIDEO Munir el-Kassem addresses LWIS graduates
– Immigration and Refugee Board (CanLII – October 27, 2008): Shanti v. Canada / Citizenship and Immigration (Section 18 – The London Muslim Mosque delivered a letter stating that a potential immigrant to Canada was a regular attendee at the Mosque and was doing volunteer work although the candidate himself admitted not being in Canada at the time.)
– Commission de l’immigration et du statut de réfugié (CanLII – 27 octobre 2008): Shanti c. Canada / Citoyenneté et Immigration (Paragraphe 18 – La London Muslim Mosque a remis une lettre attestant qu’un immigrant potentiel au Canada participait régulièrement aux activités de la mosquée et faisait du bénévolat alors que le candidat a lui-même admis qu’il n’était pas au Canada à ce moment-là.)
– London Weekend Islamic School (2012-2013): Osama Kadi, Principal of the London Moslem Mosque-affiliated Weekend Islamic School for 2012-2013 (Registration form)
– Glen McGregor (Ottawa Citizen – August 23, 2013): Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird condemns the Muslim Brotherhood leadership for planning the violence against Coptic Christians in Egypt (Baird also criticized the way former MB-backed president Morsi was running Egypt: “The former president became autocratic and did not want to build a peaceful, inclusive society.” While an advisor to president Morsi, Wael Haddara was also a spokesman for the London Muslim Mosque.
– Robert Sibley (Ottawa Citizen / Blog – September 16, 2013): John Baird and the Muslim Brotherhood (Ottawa Citizen – Archives PdeB)