Start of the hijab segment at 8:22
On January 13, 2016, broke the news that the RCMP plans to bring in a uniform with a built-in hijab. Point de Bascule Director, Marc Lebuis, was invited by Ezra Levant to discuss the meaning of the hijab.
Marc Lebuis based his observations on two quotes from the Muslim Brotherhood spiritual guide, Youssef Qaradawi, taken from his popular book The Lawful and the Prohibited in Islam.
The first quote presents the hijab as a way for Muslim women to differentiate themselves from non-Muslims. It is like a flag that they are exhibiting, no less. A political statement. Qaradawi stresses that Muslims women MUST differentiate themselves from non-Muslim women by their appearance.
The second quote tells Muslim women that wearing the hijab will prevent them from being molested.
Youssef Qaradawi / Chapter The halal and the haram in marriage and family life / Section The physical appetites / Subsection How a Muslim Woman Should Conduct Herself
Youssef Qaradawi: In her choice of clothing she [the Muslim woman] should not imitate non-Muslims, whether they are Jews, Christians, or pagans, for Islam disapproves of conformity to non-Islamic modes and desires its followers to develop their own distinctive characteristics in appearance, as well as in beliefs and attitudes. This is why Muslims have been asked to be different from non-Muslims in many aspects, and why the Prophet (peace be on him) has said, “Whoever imitates a people is one of them.”
Youssef Qaradawi / Chapter The halal and the haram in marriage and family life / Section The physical appetites / Subsection Women’s Awrah
Youssef Qaradawi: That is why Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala commands the believing women to cover themselves with a loose over-garment whenever they go out, for in this way they may be distinguished from non-believing and loose women. Allah Ta’ala commanded His Prophet (peace be on him) to convey to the whole ummah of Islam this divine message: O Prophet! Tell thy wives and daughters and the believing women that they should put on their outer garments (jalabeebihinna); (That is, whenever they are outside the home or inside it when non-mahrem men are present. (Trans.)) that is most convenient in order that they may be recognized (as Muslims) and not be molested…. (33:59)
The corollary of this proposition is that women who are not veiled are fair game for aggression. Some Muslim leaders, such as Taj Din al-Hilali (identified as Australia’s “most senior Muslim cleric” in a Daily Mail article), have openly said so:
Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali: There were women […] who ‘sway suggestively’ and wore make-up and immodest dress and then you get a judge without mercy and gives you 65 years. But the problem, but the problem all began with who? […] If you take out uncovered meat and place it outside on the street, or in the garden or in the park, or in the backyard without a cover, and the cats come and eat it… whose fault is it – the cats or the uncovered meat? The uncovered meat is the problem. […] If she was in her room, in her home, in her hijab (veil), no problem would have occurred.
The important influence of Youssef Qaradawi
Youssef Qaradawi has a very important following in Canada and elsewhere in the world. In 2016, he is listed #32 / Archive.Today among the 500 most influential Muslim leaders in the world.
On two occasions at least, Salam Elmenyawi, the leader of the Muslim Council of Montreal, which represents 70 Islamic institutions in the Greater Montreal acknowledged Qaradawi’s authority. In December 2004, he told Le Devoir (Montreal) / Archive.Today that the Council of Sharia he was working to establish could consult Qaradawi in the future to determine issues of Islamic jurisprudence. In September 2004, Elmenyawi referred to a fatwa by Qaradawi indicating that Zakat money (Islamic charity) may be spent on those working in the media to promote Islam.
The founder of the National Council of Canadian Muslims (formerly known as CAIR-Canada), Sheema Khan, described Youssef Qaradawi as a “renowned Muslim scholar” in one of her Globe and Mail column. A current NCCM Director / Archive.Today, Shahina Siddiqui, is an advisor to the RCMP.
When Muslim Brotherhood-linked Islamists developed an introductory course to Islam for some public schools in Edmonton in 2009, they resorted to Qaradawi’s book (among others) for the curriculum. Search for Al-Qardawi in the document.
One of the experts who was consulted by the Quebec government-funded Bouchard Taylor Commission on reasonable accommodations, Salah Basalamah, described Qaradawi as “one of the most famous Muslim scholars in the World” in a lecture that he gave on Islamic education in North America. In 2008, Peter Leuprecht, a former dean of McGill University Faculty of Law positively introduced Basalamah as “Tariq Ramadan’s representative here in Canada.”
Six of Qaradawi’s books (including the one quoted above) are listed in a bibliography recommended by the Centre culturel islamique de Québec, one of the main Muslim organizations in Quebec City.
In a 2006 column for the Toronto Sun, Salim Mansur compared Qaradawi’s authority in the Sunni world (75-90% of Muslims) to that of a pope:
Salim Mansur: Within the Arab Sunni world the Egyptian-born Sheikh Qaradawi, 80, of Qatar, is the face of institutionalized Islam. He is the closest to what might pass for a titular head of Muslims akin to the Pope. Qaradawi’s words, now broadcast by television network al-Jazeerah, are taken as authoritative pronouncements of Islam. He is the “spiritual” leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, a movement formed to repudiate freedom and democracy, and a defender of Islam’s war against the West by any means, including suicide bombings.
For such representatives of institutionalized Islam, all things are political. They are the authoritative guardians of the ideology that in Islam religion and politics are inseparable, and jihad — holy war — is its defining aspect.
Further reading
Youssef Qaradawi (Auspices of the Ultimate Victory of Islam / Chapter Prelude): In fact, true Islam is essentially political
Point de Bascule : FILE RCMP
Point de Bascule : FILE Youssef Qaradawi
Point de Bascule : FILE Sharia / Hijab