Variantes du nom / Name variations
Sayyid Qutb
Sayid Qutb
Sayed Qtub
Seyyid Kutub
Sayyid Qotb
Profils / Profiles
– Roger-Pol Droit (Le Point – 9 septembre 2004) : Le maître à penser de l’islamisme radical / WebArchive – Archive.Today
Sayyid Qutb : «L’islam est un ordre intégré complet, un axe fixe autour duquel tourne la vie dans un ordre précis. […] Cela s’applique au mariage, à la nourriture, à l’habillement, aux contrats, à toute activité et travail, à toutes les relations sociales et commerciales, à tous les us et coutumes.»
– Antoine Hasday (Slate – 2 septembre 2016) : Profil de Sayyid Qutb
Ecrits et discours / Writings and speeches
– Sayyid Qutb: Milestone / Archive.Today
INTRODUCTION / Archive.Today
CHAPTER 1 The unique Qur’anic generation / Archive.Today
CHAPTER 2 The nature of the Qur’anic method / Archive.Today
CHAPTER 3 The Characteristics of the Islamic Society and the Correct method for its Formation / Archive.Today
CHAPTER 4 Jihadd in the cause of God / Archive.Today
As to persons who attempt to defend the concept of Islamic Jihaad by interpreting it in the narrow sense of the current concept of defensive war, and who do research to prove that the baules fought in Islamic Jihaad were all for the defense of the homeland of Islam – some of them considering the homeland of Islam to be just the Arabian peninsula-against the aggression of neighboring powers, they lack understanding of the nature of Islam and its primary aim. Such an attempt is nothing but a product of a mind defeated by the present difficult conditions and by the attacks of the treacherous orientalists on the Islamic Jihaad.
[…] It would be naive to assume that a call is raised to free the whole of humankind throughout the earth, and it is confined to preaching and exposition. Indeed, it strives through preaching and exposition when there is freedom of communication and when people are free from all these influences, as “There is no compulsion in religion; but when the above- mentioned obstacles and practical difficulties are put in its way, it has no recourse but to remove them by force so that when it is addressed to peoples’ hearts and minds they are free to accept or reject it with an open mind.
CHAPTER 5 La Ilaha Illa Allah-The way of Life of Islam / Archive.Today
CHAPTER 6 The Universal Law / Archive.Today
CHAPTER 7 Islam is the Real Civilization / Archive.Today
CHAPTER 9 A Muslim’s Nationality and his Belief / Archive.Today
CHAPTER 10 Far-Reaching Changes / Archive.Today
The chasm between Islam and Jahiliyyah [non-Muslim world] is great, and a bridge is not to be built across it so that the people on the two sides may mix with each other, but only so that the people of Jahiliyyah may come over to Islam.
CHAPTER 11 The faith Triumphant / Archive.Today
CHAPTER 12 This is the Road / Archive.Today
– Sayyid Qutb: TAFSIR In the shade of the Qur’an (Commentary about verse 2:256)
– Sayyid Qutb (1950): Our struggle with the Jews
Sayyid Qutb: [EXCERPT] Whenever the Children of Israel reverted to evildoing in the land, punishment awaited them. The Sunna is resolute here: “If you return, then We return.”
And the Jews did indeed return to evildoing, so Allah gave the Muslims power over them. The Muslims then expelled them from the whole of the Arabian Peninsula.
… Then the Jews again returned to evildoing and consequently Allah sent against them others of his servants, until the modern period. Then Allah brought Hitler to rule over them.
Articles / Point de Bascule
– Point de Bascule (27 janvier 2012) : L’historien André Champagne commente sur le danger représenté par les Frères Musulmans
À la fin de sa présentation, André Champagne a fait lire par l’animatrice de Radio-Canada cet extrait d’un livre (non identifié) sur Qutb : «En ce qui concerne le statut des femmes, l’auteur d’À l’ombre du Coran (Sayyid Qutb) juge que leur place naturelle est à la maison. Les sorties doivent être exceptionnelles. Quant à travailler, il ne saurait en être question pour la paix des ménages. Au besoin, le mari peut battre sa femme si elle cherche à séduire d’autres hommes.»
– Point de Bascule (7 juin 2012) : Le verset 2:256 ‘Nulle de contrainte en religion’ : l’arme favorite des Frères Musulmans pour berner les élites occidentales (L’article aborde, entre autres, le commentaire coranique de Qutb sur le verset 2:256.)
– Point de Bascule (17 avril 2016) : Lise Ravary évoque l’aversion de l’idéologue islamiste Sayyid Qutb envers la civilisation occidentale pour expliquer les motivations du djihadiste de Nice
Sayyid Qutb comme mentor / Sayyid Qutb as a mentor
– Youssef Qaradawi (Auspices of the Ultimate Victory of Islam): Sayyid Qutb presented as one of the main influence behind the Islamic revival of the 20th century / Archive.Today
[S]ince the 1930s, grassroots Muslim revival movements put Islam onto the political agenda of almost every country within the dâr al Islâm region. Their common prototype remains the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, founded by Hassan Al-Bannâ (d. 1949), and their preachers, […] in addition to other authorities like the father of Muslim liberation theology, Sayed Qutb (d. 1966), as well as Abûl A‘lâ al Mawdûdî (d. 1979), Shaykh Kishk, and Muhammad al Ghazzâlî.
– Tariq Ramadan (Western Muslims and the future of Islam – 2004): List of the main ideologues of Salafi reformism (This is the trend of Islam favored by Ramadan / Al-Afghani, Abduh, Rida, Al-Nursi, Iqbal, Ibn Badis, Al-Banna, Al-Fasi, Bennabi, Mawdudi, Qutb, Shariati)
– EMEL (May / June 2004): Interview with Hany El-Banna / WebArchive – Archive.Today (No family links with Hassan Al-Banna according to El-Banna. El-Banna is the founder of Islamic Relief, the most important Muslim charity worldwide. He is currently (September 2016) listed as the Chair of Islamic Relief Canada Board.
After he [Hany El-Banna] first arrived in the UK he began to read Sayed Qutb’s classic In the Shade of the Qur’an. “Qutb was hanged by the regime in 1965. But even as a young man he was a visionary.”
– Marie-Ève Martel (2006) : Entretien avec Abdelaziz Djaout
[pp.15-16] Addelaziz Djaout : Sans jamais préconiser la violence [sic], la logique de [Sayyid] Qutb permettait de considérer, il est vrai, les pouvoirs en place, ses tortionnaires en somme, comme des pouvoirs non musulmans. Les djihadistes, par une interprétation déformée et du Coran et des écrits de Qutb, déclareront plus tard la guerre à ces ennemis de l’interne et à leurs soutiens occidentaux.
– CCIQ (2 janvier 2007) : Bibliographie musulmane suggérée sur le site du CCIQ (Quatre titres de Qutb sont recommandés. Notez l’épellation inhabituelle : Qotb.)
– MAC Youth Library (December 3, 2010): Sayyid Qutb’s tafsir among the books recommended by the MAC / Archive.Today – Point de Bascule
– SCRS et Cabinet Office (Avril 2014) : Points saillants de la conférence Stabilité politique et sécurité en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Nord / WebArchive – Archive.Today
[p.89] Boko Haram adhère au credo salafiste. [Son fondateur] Youssouf a déclaré : […] Chaque enseignement d’un savant doit s’appuyer sur les écrits et les enseignements d’érudits salafistes. Tous les savants islamiques qui dénigrent Ibn Taymiyya, Saïd Qutb, Hassan al-Banna et Oussama Ben Laden ne sont pas de véritables savants.
– CSIS and Cabinet Office (April 2014): Highlights from the conference Political Stability and Security in West and North Africa / WebArchive – Archive.Today
[pp.80-81] Boko Haram embraces the Salafist creed. [Its founder] Yusuf Yusuf stated in sermons before 2009 the following: […] Every teaching of a scholar must be supported by the writings and teachings of Salafists scholars. All Islamic scholars that undermine Ibn Taymiyya, Sayyid Qutb, Hassan al-Banna and Osama Bin Laden are not authentic Islamic scholars.
– Centre islamique de l’est de Montréal (17 juillet 2016) : Annonce de la conférence d’Adil Charkaoui sur le ‘réformateur’ Sayyid Qutb / WebArchive – Archive.Today
– MSA Concordia (September 5, 2016): The MSA private library holds several books by Sayyid Qutb at its premises provided by the university
1- In the shade of the Qur’an / Archive Today (Tafsir in many volumes)
2- Milestones / Archive Today
3- The religion of Islam / Archive Today
4- L’Islam par le martyr / Archive Today
5- A Shaitan Fay Dilal al Quran (Devil in the light of Quran) / Archive Today
Références / References
– Antoine Robitaille (Le Devoir – 10 octobre 2006) : Entrevue avec Charles Taylor avant le lancement de son livre A Secular Age / WebArchive – Archive,Today (Le fondamentalisme: une perversion moderne des grandes religions / Charles Taylor sur Qutb et les Accords de Munich. Notez l’orthographe inhabituelle : Qtub.)
– New York Police Department (2007): Radicalization in the West / Point de Bascule (Many references to Qutb in the report)
NYPD: [p.17] The political aspect of jihadi-Salafi ideology is heavily underpinned by the work of Sayyid Qutb, an Egyptian author, Islamist, and the leading intellectual of the Muslim Brotherhood in the1950’s and 1960’s. He believed that Islam was under attack from the West and divided the world into the Muslim and the non-Muslim. To Qutb, democracy challenged the sovereignty of God’s divine law and should be resisted. Moreover, he also contended that militant jihad had to be used to attack institutions and societies in order to overthrow non Islamic governments and to bring about a “pure” Islamic society.
– Daniel Lemay (La Presse – 2 décembre 2007) : Critique du livre de Lawrence Wright ‘La guerre cachée : la genèse de la violence islamiste’ / WebArchive
Daniel Lemay : Le tableau, fascinant, s’ouvre sur l’Égyptien Sayyid Qutb, propagateur de cette vision d’un islam «total et sans compromis». Qutb, un lettré, a étudié aux États-Unis et en est rentré convaincu que la laïcité, le matérialisme, l’individualisme, le mélange des sexes et la démocratie – qui «place entre les mains du peuple une autorité censée n’appartenir qu’à Dieu» – ont contaminé l’islam à travers le colonialisme». Son message aux musulmans: islam et modernité sont incompatibles et l’homme blanc doit être détruit «à la première occasion».
– Richard Cohen (Washington Post – August 10, 2010): The Economist’s unforgivable silence on Sayyid Qutb’s anti-Semitism / WebArchive – Archive.Today
– Andrew C. McCarthy (National Review – March 5, 2011): Jean-Jacques Jihad / WebArchive – Archive.Today (This article examines the intellectual connection between Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Sayyid Qutb’s rejection of individual freedom.)