Articles / Point de Bascule
– Point de Bascule (11 novembre 2011) : Le projet de conquête islamique
– Point de Bascule (30 mai 2013) : La fille de Rachid Ghannouchi et porte-parole d’Ennahda rend hommage au penseur musulman Ibn Khaldoun (1332-1406)
– Point de Bascule (21 octobre 2014) : Attaque terroriste à St-Jean-sur-Richelieu : un jeune musulman tue un militaire canadien et en blesse un second
– Point de Bascule (October 22, 2014): Point de Bascule director comments on the attack against two Canadian soldiers by Muslim convert Martin Ahmad Rouleau
– Point de Bascule (22 octobre 2014) : Le directeur de Point de Bascule interviewé par Richard Courchesne du 106,9 FM Mauricie au sujet de l’attentat islamiste contre deux militaires à Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu
– Point de Bascule (January 13, 2015): Muslim scholar Hamza Yusuf at RIS 2014 Islamist convention in Toronto: “When you are powerless, non-violence is the best way to approach your enemies.”
– Point de Bascule (21 juin 2017) : Montréal – El Mahdi Jamali et Sabrine Djermane devront rester en prison en attente de leur procès pour terrorisme
– Point de Bascule (24 août 2017) : L’imam marocain qui a planifié les récents massacres djihadistes de Barcelone et Cambrils (15 morts / 120 blessés) avait demandé (et reçu) l’asile pour des raisons humanitaires à sa sortie de prison
– Point de Bascule (19 décembre 2017) : Une présentation incomplète du djihad par Jalal Khaldoune, un futur aumônier musulman des Forces armées canadiennes
Références / References
– The Noble Qur’an: Jihad is “holy fighting… with full force of numbers and weaponry” and a “pillar” by which “Islam is established” (This explanation is added to Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din al-Hilali and Muhammad Muhsin Khan’s English translation published by King Fahd Complex for the Printing of the Holy Qur’an to clarify the meaning of verse 2:190.) ALSO Google Books
– The Noble Qur’an: Jihad is “Islamic Holy War… with full force of numbers and weaponry” and a “pillar” by which “Islam is established” (This explanation is added to Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din al-Hilali and Muhammad Muhsin Khan’s English translation published by Maktaba Dar-Us-Salam to clarify the meaning of verse 2:190.)
– Hassan al-Banna: On Jihad (Complete book)
– Hassan al-Banna (On Jihad – Undated): EXCERPT It is obligatory on us (Muslims) to begin fighting against non-Muslims even if they do not fight against us
– Youssef Qaradawi (Priorities of the Islamic movement in the coming phase / Chapter 4): Changing wrong by force whenever possible
– Earl Waugh et al. (The Muslim Community in North America – 1983): Definition of jihad (In a report containing speeches made by Ismail Faruqi and other scholars linked with the Muslim Brotherhood, jihad is defined as a “war against all who are not Muslim; sometimes the battle against personal evils.”
– Mohammad Fadel (Islamic Horizons – December 1986): Jihad is Imperative to Muslims (The article identifies three levels of the military/political struggle: jihad of the heart, jihad of the tongue and finally jihad of the sword.)
– Siraj Wahhaj (1992): AUDIO Convert youths who feel excluded and eventually arm them to wage jihad in U.S. streets
– Immigration and Refugee Board (CanLII – November 28, 2003): X (Re) (During a refugee hearing, the Board examined the goal of jihad as explained on a Students Islamic Movement of India’s portal: “[…] Jehad against India, the aim of which is to establish Dar-ul-Islam (land of Islam) by either forcefully converting everyone to Islam or by violence.”
– André Pratte (La Presse – 4 juin 2006) : Les terroristes sont parmi nous (texte – reproduction de l’original)
– Anwar al-Awlaki (Inspire – Winter 2010): The Ruling on Dispossessing the Disbelievers’ Wealth in Dar Al-Harb / Web Archive
– Anne Applebaum (Slate – 12 janvier 2010) : La nouvelle élite djihadiste internationale
– Radio-Canada (30 juin 2011) : 1er décembre 2005 – Rappel de l’attaque au couteau contre un policier de Montréal au cri d’’Allah Akbar’
– Sun News (April 1, 2012): ICNA disseminates books by Syed Maududi which incites Muslims to take over the world by jihad
– Ihsaan Gardee / NCCM-CAIR-Canada (National Post – January 12, 2013): The meaning of jihad / Archive.Today
Ihsaan Gardee: I would point him to the RCMP’s publication Words Make Worlds, which offers a succinct analysis of the term, and the contemporary deviation of its original meaning as primarily defining a personal struggle to overcome personal shortcomings and come nearer to God. Further to this personal struggle, one can struggle to promote justice in one’s own community, or defend oneself against oppression or attack. However, there is no justification for aggression.
– Tariq Ramadan (March 18, 2013): Tariq Ramadan pushes American Muslims “not to infiltrate”, just to become journalists and “to shape the perceptions”, states that “Jihad is the way we implement sharia”
– Point de Bascule (25 avril 2013) : Richard Martineau, Rima Elkouri et Fabrice de Pierrebourg sur le terrorisme islamiste
– Raymond Ibrahim ( – 17 mars 2014) : Un leader religieux pro-Frères Musulmans émet une fatwa pour terroriser l’Égypte
– National Council of Canadian Muslims (September 27, 2014): United against terrorism / WebArchive – Archive.Today (The date is in the original URL.)
Definition of jihad: “Jihad is an Arabic term meaning striving, struggling and exertion in the path of good. Every day a Muslim struggles with his/her desires and does good and strives to be a better human being he/she is performing jihad. […] Jihad is not holy war either. Islam allows for Jihad in the form of a military action in self defense only.”
– Jonathan Halevi (CIJ News – February 24, 2016): ICNA Canada’s online syllabus: jihad against “infidels” strives for Islamic global dominance / Archive.Today
– Sami A. Aldeeb Abu-Sahlieh (Amazon – 2016) : Le jihad dans l’islam / WebArchive (Livre analysant l’interprétation des versets coraniques relatifs au jihad à travers les siècles)
– Catherine Marciano et Andrea Bambino (La Presse / Agence France-Presse – 18 juillet 2016) : Nice : Un attentat «prémédité» et un intérêt «récent» pour le djihadisme / WebArchive – Archive.Today
– Kim Willsher (The Guardian – July 21, 2016): Nice attacker ‘plotted for months and had accomplices’ / WebArchive – Archive.Today
– Philippe Teisceira-Lessard (La Presse – 4 août 2016): Craignant d’être attaqués lors du transport d’un prisonnier djihadiste, des gardiens de prison québécois ont demandé une escorte policière
– Gabrielle Duchaine (La Presse – 19 juin 2017) : Ismael Habib jugé coupable de terrorisme pour avoir voulu joindre le groupe État islamique
– TVA Nouvelles (21 juin 2017) : Après s’être écrié ‘Allah Akbar’, Amor Ftouhi de Montréal a poignardé un policier du Michigan
– Toronto Sun (June 21, 2017): Two Quebecers detained on terrorism charges / Archive.Today (El Mahdi Jamali and Sabrine Djermane)
– Catherine McDonald et Adam Miller (Global News – 26 juin 2017) : L’islamiste accusée de menaces avec un couteau et un bâton de golf à Toronto réitère son allégeance à l’État islamique en cour
– Édouard Mareshal (Le Figaro – 29 juin 2017) : Agriculteur français poignardé au cri d’’Allah Akbar’ en plein milieu de son champ d’orge
– Deborah Laurent (7 sur 7 – 31 octobre 2017) : Allah Akbar à New York – Un camion fonce sur une piste cyclable et tue 8 personnes