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On March 21, 2015, the United Muslim Organizations of Ottawa Gatineau (UMO-OG), an umbrella organization including many Muslim Brotherhood-linked organizations operating in and around Ottawa, will hold its third I.LEAD conference at the Palais des Congrès in Gatineau (2013 – 2014). According to the About page of the event, “The aim [of the conference] is to explore everyday issues impacting the lives of our community in ways that are welcoming, non-judgmental, and relevant.” The issue of “radicalization” is one of the main topics on the program of the conference. Key speakers Yahya Michot, Ingrid Mattson, and Faisal Kutty are scheduled to address it.
The About page of the event lists eleven entities belonging to UMO-OG that are involved in the organization of the conference.
1 – AMA – Assunnah Muslims Association, Ottawa
2 – Aylmer Mosque, Aylmer
3 – CIO-OIC – Centre Islamique de l’Outaouais, The Outaouais Islamic Center, Gatineau
4 – Islam Care Centre, Ottawa
5 – Islamic Society of Cumberland, Masjid Bilal, Orleans
6 – Islamic Society of Gloucester, Donald Musallah, Gloucester
7 – Jami Omar – Jamiatul Muslemeen of Ottawa Carleton
8 – KMA – Kanata Muslim Association, Kanata
9 – MAC – Muslim Association of Canada – Ottawa Chapter
10 – OMA – Ottawa Muslim Association – Ottawa
11 – SNMC – South Nepean Muslim Community, Ottawa
On October 22, 2014, the very day Cpl. Nathan Cirillo was murdered by a jihadist on Parliament Hill, the Ottawa Police Service met with these organizations. Earlier that day, Ottawa Police Chief Bordeleau had sent a message to UMO-OG Islamist leaders to reassure them and invite them to contact the Ottawa Police Service if they fear “backlash.”
At the time, Point de Bascule pointed out that many leaders who were “reassured” by Police Chief Bordeleau were leading organizations that transferred money to Hamas’ fund collector, IRFAN-Canada, and to two other organizations (Human Concern International and Islamic Relief) involved in the radicalization of Muslims.
Islamic Relief and Human Concern International are both sponsoring the 2015 I.LEAD conference.
Money transfers going from I.LEAD conference organizers to these three organizations have been recorded by the Canada Revenue Agency and are accessible to the public. They were presented by Point de Bascule in a spreadsheet last October.
In recent years, I.LEAD 2015 organizers have transferred almost $400,000 to IRFAN, Hamas’ fund collector in Canada. The details of these transactions are available on Point de Bascule.
In April 2011, IRFAN’s charitable status was revoked by the Canada Revenue Agency after it concluded that, for the 2005-2009 period alone, it transferred $14.6 million to Hamas. In 2014, the Government of Canada listed IRFAN as a terrorist organization.
Hamas leaders have frequently advocated the Islamic conquest of the West in the past (2006 – 2008 – 2011 – 2012). In 2011, for example, Hamas leader Mahmoud Al-Zahhar said on TV that Western civilization “will not be able to withstand the great and glorious Islam.”
On July 16, 2013, Hamas threatened to launch terrorist attacks in countries where Israel embassies are located. These threats are identical to those that incited jihadists to murder Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent in Saint-Jean and Corporal Nathan Cirillo in Ottawa.
At a fundraising event organized in Montreal in 2009, IRFAN-Canada invited Ekrima Sabri, the former Mufti of Jerusalem who had expressed his support for suicide operations, and declared in 2000: “The younger the martyr – the greater and the more I respect him.”
In these circumstances, all the Islamist talk about “radicalization” and “de-radicalization” at the I.LEAD 2015 conference or with police during so-called “bridge building” activities is a colossal operation of deception.
Point de Bascule (October 28, 2014): Ottawa Police Chief Bordeleau more worried about fictitious “backlash” against Muslim community than by promotion and funding of jihad coming from the Islamic organizations with which he is “building bridges”
Point de Bascule (October 30, 2014): “Bridge building” with Islamists – Rundown of the Muslim organizations met by the Ottawa Police Service and the RCMP in the hours following the murder of Cpl. Nathan Cirillo by a jihadist on Parliament Hill
Brian Lilley & Point de Bascule Director (October 2014): VIDEO After jihad attack RCMP & Ottawa police reached out to terror funders
Their profiles on the I.LEAD 2015 program indicate that both have been involved with the AlMaghrib Institute. According to Patrick Poole who looked at the courses offered by this organization in 2007, “The [Al-Maghrib Institute]’s Wahhabi-influenced extremism, rabid anti-Semitism and Holocaust denials, and militaristic preaching of jihad even have other Muslims expressing concern about the radicalizing effect of Al-Maghrib’s preaching and programs.”
Ingrid Mattson is the Chair in Islamic Studies at Huron University College in London (Ontario) since 2012 and a member of the International Institute of Islamic Thought’s Council of Scholars. In a 1991 Muslim Brotherhood internal memorandum that was produced for evidentiary purposes in a terrorism trial that took place in the U.S. in 2007-2008, the IIIT is listed as an organization belonging to the Brotherhood network. The IIIT was founded by Ismael Faruqi in 1981 after a meeting with Muslim Brotherhood spiritual guide Youssef Qaradawi in 1977 in Geneva. In his book A mosque in Munich and in related articles, Ian Johnson describes the role of the IIIT as “provid[ing] the theoretical underpinnings for the spread of Islamism in the West.”
In 2000, at an ISNA conference, Ingrid Mattson was asked by a participant to suggest the best tafseer (Koranic commentary) available. According to Young Muslims Canada, she answered that “So far, probably the best work of Tafseer in English is by Maulana Abul A’la Maududi [aka Syed Maududi].” In his book Jihad in Islam, Maududi described the mission of Islam as being the “destr[uction of] all States and Governments anywhere on the face of the earth which are opposed to the ideology and programme of Islam.”
In 2001, shortly after the 9/11 attacks, Ingrid Mattson defended Wahhabism in a CNN chat room, and presented it as a movement “analogous to the European protestant reformation.”
The 2007 NYPD report Radicalization in the West (page 17) stresses that Wahhabism is based on an “extreme intolerance and hostility towards unbelievers, including Jews, Christians, Hindus and Shiites,” and that “It provides the primary theological foundation for jihadi-Salafi causes and reduces the barriers to violence.” The NYPD report adds that “Contemporary Saudi (Wahhabi) scholars have provided the religious legitimacy for many of the arguments promoted by the jihadists”.
In the audit that led to the revocation of the Saudi World Assembly of Muslim Youth’s charitable status for its funding of Al Qaeda, the Canada Revenue Agency addressed the issue of terrorism funding by Saudi Wahhabi organizations.
Yahya Michot has been a Professor of Islamic Thought at the Macdonald Center Hartford Seminary since September 2008. Previously, he taught at Louvain (Belgium) and at Oxford (UK). In Hartford, Michot worked with Ingrid Mattson until she was appointed the first Chair in Islamic Studies at Huron University College in London (Ontario) in 2012.
In 1997, a few weeks after the murder of seven Christian monks in Algeria by the GIA (Armed Islamic Group), Yahya Michot translated, commented, and published a fatwa originally written by Muslim scholar Ibn Taymiyya (1263-1328) that justifies the killing of Christian monks.
Ibn Taymiyya considered that Christian monks who do not live secluded and maintain contacts with Muslims living close to their monasteries are “Imams of unbelief” guilty of leading Muslims away from “the true religion,” and who deserved to be killed.
Michot published his translation under the pseudonym Nasreddin Lebatelier (Lebatelier means ‘the boat master’ in French), likely an allusion to his family’s involvement in naval construction in Belgium for many decades.
At the time, the French daily Le Monde described the translation of the fatwa and Michot’s comments as “a justification for the assassination of Christian monks, an acquittal pure and simple of the assassins, those of the GIA or those who handle them, based on legal expert Ibn Taymiyya (1263-1328), one of the Islamist literature’s favorite authors.”
After his identity was revealed, Yahya Michot withdrew copies of his booklet still unsold from circulation. He later republished the French translation of Ibn Taymiyya’s fatwa without linking it to the 1996 murders of monks in Algeria the second time.
In 1995, Yahya Michot told the Belgian magazine Le Vif/L’Express that the 1948 Human Rights Declaration cannot be considered universal “since Muslims refused to sign it and came up with their own declaration.” At the time, Michot acknowledged that “the Islamic declaration states that believers and non-believers [non-Muslims] are not equal,” but added: “this does not mean the former will kill the latter.”
Her profile on the I.LEAD 2015 program indicates that she lectures about Islam while being involved with the Islamic Academy of Canada and the Female Inmate Program in British Columbia.
According to his profile on the I.LEAD 2015 conference’s website, Abdullah Daniel Hernández presides over the Pearland Islamic Center in Texas and is pursuing his Islamic education with the Mishkah University. According to its own website, Mishkah has four branches in the U.S. and one in Canada (Montreal). This organization made the headlines in February 2015 after the Montreal borough of Outremont cancelled the rental of a hall to this University for a graduation ceremony due to the presence of radical imams at the event.
Maryam Ramadan is Tariq Ramadan’s eldest daughter. In 2013, she worked for CAIR New York as their “Outreach and Event Specialist“. In the 2009 case United States of America v. Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (Section IV), U.S. Judge Jorge Solis stated that: “The [U.S.] government has produced ample evidence to establish the associations of CAIR, ISNA and NAIT […] with Hamas.”
The I.LEAD 2015 program describes him as a writer and performer.
Faisal Kutty teaches at Valparaiso University Law School (Indiana) and at York University (Osgoode Law School). He has been vice-chair and legal counsel to the National Council of Canadian Muslims (formerly CAIR-CAN).
By his own account, Kutty collaborated with the U.S. Homeland Security Subcommittee on Intelligence in 2006 and “worked closely with the RCMP and CSIS.”
Contrary to today’s Islamists who generally claim that Islam has nothing to do with violence or terrorism (for example: Munir El-Kassem claiming in 2013 that “Faith and terrorism are an oxymoron, they do not exist together.”), Faisal Kutty provided an entirely different explanation on the origin of the violence generated by Islamists when he quoted Muslim leader Hassan Turabi in 1996:
Hassan Turabi: “Whenever religious energy is … suppressed, it builds up and ultimately erupts either in isolated acts of struggle or resistance, which are called terrorist by those in power, or in a revolution. On the other hand,” [Turabi] continues, “when Islam is allowed free expression, it will bring about social change peacefully and gradually.”
“Since Islam is based on sincere conviction and voluntary compliance,” added Kutty still quoting Turabi, “an Islamic state cannot be imposed on a reluctant society.”
Representing Hassan Turabi as a person who refused to impose his doctrine by force does not correspond to reality. It does not match Turabi’s record as a political leader in Sudan.
Hassan Turabi was the primary force behind the introduction of sharia in Sudan during the eighties and nineties. In an immigration case heard by a Canadian tribunal in 2000, Turabi’s Sudan was described as a “country of horrors [where] people are whipped in the name of Shari’a, terrorist bases are harboured and the Christians in the South are exterminated.” In this immigration case, Turabi was also described as “the ideologue of the military regime in Sudan” and the leader of an “Islamist International.”
While Hassan Turabi was attorney general of Sudan in 1985, Mahmoud Mohamed Taha, a Muslim theologian, was executed for apostasy by the State because he had pleaded for the reform of certain Islamic principles.
In his text endorsing Turabi, Faisal Kutty also endorsed Muslim Brotherhood leaders Rachid Ghannouchi, Youssef Qaradawi and Ismail Faruqi.
In a 1990 speech that he gave in Algeria and that became the base of his book Priorities of the Islamic movement in the coming phase, Qaradawi explained that one of the political principles brought to this earth by Islam is “changing wrong by force whenever possible,” wrong being what is incompatible with sharia, of course.
While Rachid Ghannouchi was the leader of the Ennhada movement in Tunisia in the eighties and nineties, his organization was actively involved in terrorist activities whose purpose was the instauration of an Islamic republic. Many decisions by Canadian courts related to the refusal of the federal government to grant political asylum to a member of Ghannouchi’s movement have examined the kind of actions waged by Ghannouchi’s organization in Tunisia in the eighties and nineties (using Molotov cocktails, throwing acid in people’s faces, burning automobiles, detonating bombs in Tunisia and France, etc.)
In 1998, Faisal Kutty defended Rachid Ghannouchi (bottom half of the article) after he was banned from coming to Canada to speak at an event organized by the Islamic Society of North America in Toronto due to his terrorist past. At the time, Kutty presented Ghannouchi as a “philosopher [who advocates that] Using violence to achieve political goals is refused in our view of Islam.”
In 2013, a substructure of ISNA, the organization that had invited Ghannouchi to speak in Toronto, had its own charitable status revoked after the Canada Revenue Agency concluded that it was involved in the financing of a terrorist organization in India.
Islamic Relief is the most important Muslim charity in the world. On its British, Irish and Canadian websites, Islamic Relief lists eight categories of beneficiaries for the zakat (charity) that it collects. It openly mentions funding Muslims involved in jihad (“Those struggling in the path of Allah”). Besides jihadists, this charity mostly funds groups of needy people and the zakat collectors themselves.
The eight categories of zakat beneficiaries listed by these three branches of Islamic Relief match those mentioned in the sharia manual Umdat al-Salik. This manual is endorsed by many leaders and organizations linked with the Muslim Brotherhood network, such as the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT), Tariq Ramadan and Mohammad Fadel.
Section h8.17 of the Umdat al-Salik sharia manual specifies that “those struggling in the path of Allah” who may receive Muslim charity are those who are “engaged in Islamic military operations for whom no salary has been allotted in the army roster (O: but who are volunteers for jihad without remuneration). They are given enough to suffice them for the operation, even if affluent; of weapons, mounts, clothing, and expenses (O: for the duration of the journey, round trip, and the time they spend there, even if prolonged. Though nothing has been mentioned here of the expense involved in supporting such people’s families during this period, it seems clear that they should also be given it).”
During the short-lived Muslim Brotherhood government in Egypt, Essam El-Haddad, the president of the UK-based Islamic Relief Worldwide’s Board of Directors was appointed by Egyptian President Morsi as his assistant responsible for foreign relations and international cooperation.
In June 2014, Israel banned Islamic Relief from operating in the West Bank due to its ties with Hamas. In its charter (article 2), Hamas describes itself as a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. In 2012, the Swiss bank UBS closed Islamic Relief’s account and blocked its donations for fear of being involved in the financing of terrorist activities.
A publication controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood infrastructure in the Ottawa area.
Maple Lodge Farms is an important chicken supplier that was established in 1955 and is headquartered in Brampton (Ontario). In 2011, 2012, and 2013, its halal certification was provided by ISNA-Canada. Shortly before the Canada Revenue Agency issued a notice of intention to revoke the registration of the ISNA Development Foundation for its involvement in the funding of terrorism in India (August 20, 2013), Maple Lodge put an end to its association with ISNA (August 7, 2013). ISNA Development Foundation’s charitable status was officially revoked on September 20, 2013, and on October 16, 2013, Maple Lodge’s website announced that IFANCA was its new halal certifier.
MoneyJihad (January 24, 2012): IFANCA’s for-profit halal board claims tax-exempt status
MoneyJihad (January 21, 2014): Terror-linked halal certifier IFANCA exposed
Producer of halal chicken based in Winnipeg whose products are certified by the Scarborough-based Halal Monitoring Authority. This Agency has received the endorsement of more than forty Muslim leaders, including Omar Subedar, Sikander Ziad Hashmi and Yusuf Badat (Look for ‘Badat’ to find the relevant portion in the text).
Internet service provider
HCI is an important beneficiary of money transfers coming from I.LEAD 2015 conference organizers. In recent years, I.LEAD 2015 organizers have transferred almost $1 million to HCI. The details of these transactions are available on Point de Bascule.
An RCMP report divulged by Montreal’s La Presse in December 2014 revealed that, between 2005 and 2009, HCI contributed to Hamas’ fund collector, IRFAN-Canada. No money transfer between HCI and IRFAN have been reported to the Canada Revenue Agency during those years (2005 – 2006 – 2007 – 2008 – 2009). The RCMP had to consult either HCI’s own documents or IRFAN’s documents to find this out. Point de Bascule had already archived a Muslim Link article evoking a money transfer from HCI to IRFAN in 2004.
Ahmed Said Khadr led HCI’s branch in Pakistan in the early 2000s and was killed in 2003 while fighting for al-Qaeda. Today, Khadr is being praised by al-Qaeda as a martyr. HCI regularly sponsors radical activities in Canada, including the visit of the Jamaat-e-Islami (JEI) leader Qazi Hussain Ahmad in 2008. That year, Canadian Immigration authorities refused to grant Ahmad a visa.
JEI’s main message has been summarized by its founder Syed Maududi in his book Jihad in Islam:
“Islam wishes to destroy all States and Governments anywhere on the face of the earth which are opposed to the ideology and programme of Islam regardless of the country or the Nation that rules it … Islam requires the earth – not just a portion – but the whole planet.”
When HCI leader Ahmad Said Khadr was arrested for the bombing of the Egyptian embassy in Pakistan in 1995 that killed 16 people and injured 60, the Globe and Mail reported that the Jamaat-e-Islami had provided him with a lawyer.
Bilal Farms
Al Madina Halal Meat Packers
Mr. Beef
Hisham, Sameeha, Bassam and Sanaa
Mrs. Najma Ghouse
Mr. Mohammed Azhar (Likely Mohammed Azhar Ali Khan, columnist for the Saudi Gazette, and president for two terms of the Muslim Coordinating Council of the National Capital Region.)
Here are some of the organizations that reserved a booth at the convention without being already listed as Organizers or Sponsors of the event:
National Canadian Council of Muslims (formerly CAIR-CAN)
The Ottawa Star
Muslim Medical Association of Canada
Misk Academy
Ottawa West Nepean Federal Liberal Association
Kanata Carleton Federal Liberal Association
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