Version originale française ICI
English translation by Point de Bascule
Original address:,1164851.php (via L’Observatoire de l’islamisation)
Source: La République des Pyréné, November 14, 2013
Original title: Tags à la mosquée de Pau : l’imam avoue en être l’auteur (Graffiti at the mosque in Pau: the imam admits being the author)
At the end of October, police started an investigation after the discovery of an offensive green graffiti on the mosque in Pau, on Buros Street.
They did not find anything. On Wednesday, a man went on his own to the police station, maybe overcome by remorse, and admitted committing the mischief: it was the imam himself. Paid by the religious association, this man in his fifties confessed that he did so to settle scores with others at the mosque.
He is summoned to court on January 8. He will then have the option of entering a guilty plea.
Further reading
Point de Bascule (March 19, 2009): VIDEO Australia: Sheik Hilaly Caught vandalizing his own Mosque
JihadWatch (February 25, 2013): Hate crime hoax in Austria: Muslims set fire to their own business and leave “racist” graffiti to mislead investigators